We at Forces Support are trying our best to make sure our customers and staff are safe. After a risk assessment we returned our limited HQ staff and reopened some stores; we will continue to follow Government guidelines including those from the devolved administrations when continuing this process. To be fully transparent we will post our Risk Assessment tools here.

Message from our CEO, Carol Reynolds:

“This is truly an unprecedented time, affecting us all in ways both shared and unique. Our utmost priority is the safety of our staff and customers, so we will be following guidelines closely to make sure that we are doing the best we can – we will take any complaint regarding our store’s safety measures very seriously.

Beyond this, we know how much our stores are part of their local communities, and we hope to be bringing people together again as soon as we can.”

General Advice:-

Please listen to Government and other updates by television, radio or online.

Be aware of elderly or infirm neighbours, especially if they live on their own. We do not recommend unnecessary contact but do suggest that you keep in touch with them by telephone and help with shopping where you can. If you have serious concerns then telephone 999 in an emergency.

Useful Documents and Links:

GeneralCoronavirus (Covid-19) Guidance – English

Coronavirus – Government/NHS

Government latest FAQ advice on what you can and cannot do: click here

Government guidance on getting tested for Coronavirus: click here

Government advice on Coronavirus: click here

Government guidance for households with possible Coronavirus infection: click here

Government guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing: click here

Government advice on Coronavirus and domestic abuse: click here

NHS advice on Test and Trace: here

NHS advice on Coronavirus: click here

Advice on staying alert and safe (social distancing) in England only: click here

Public Health England: A simple guide to staying at home: click here

Every Mind Matters – Looking after your mental health at home: click here

Extremely Vulnerable People:-

Government guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable from COVID-19: click here

Get Coronavirus support as an extremely vulnerable person: click here


Online educational resources for schools and parents to help children to learn at home: click here

Voucher scheme for schools to provide free school meals: click here

Veterans Support:-

Veterans UK open for business but with some changes: click here

Veterans Gateway – Help if you have been affected by Covid-19: click here


To volunteer for the NHS: click here

To volunteer for Team Rubicon’s Op RE:ACT, mobilising UK Veterans to answer the nation’s call for volunteers: click here


Latest Scottish Government advice: click here

Ready Scotland – How to get and give help: click here


Welsh Government – general advice and information: click here

Welsh Government – how to protect yourself and others: click here

Northern Ireland:-

NIDirect information: click here

Northern Ireland Public Health Agency advice and information: click here


Jersey Government – General advice: click here

Jersey Government – health advice and information: click here


Obtain an NHS Isolation Note (in lieu of a GP Fitness to Work Note) for your employer: click here

MOTs due from 30 March 2020 – 6 month extension: click here

Driving licences expiring between 1 February and 31 August 2020 extended by 7 months: click here

Here are some useful links for support if you may need it:-

Childline offers support to children or young persons where domestic abuse is happening in the home or within a relationship and is free to call on 0800 1111

The 24/7 National Domestic Abuse helpline, which offers support to victims and people affected by domestic abuse, is free to call on 0808 2000 247

Victim Support National 24/7 Supportline: 08 08 16 89 111

The Respect Phoneline provides confidential advice and support to help perpetrators stop being violent and abusive and is free to call 0808 802 4040

Men’s Advice Line (www.mensadviceline.org.uk) is a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic violence and those supporting them and is free to call on 0808 801 0327

Hour Glass (www.wearehourglass.org) challenges the abuse of older people in all its forms and is free to call on 0808 808 8141

Galop (www.galop.org.uk) provides an LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline and is free to call on 0800 999 5428